Hairline Fractures often aren’t visible on X-rays immediately after the injury. Hairline fractures usually develop gradually as a result of overuse, as opposed to larger bone fractures or breaks that are mostly caused by acute traumas, such as a fall. The femoral neck is the most common location for a hip fracture. A fracture (break or crack) in one of the seven cervical vertebrae in your neck that support your head and connect it to the shoulders and body is called a cervical fracture or sometimes, a broken neck .

They support the head and connect it to the shoulders and body. The displaced fracture and dislocation is treated by surgical procedure. The The cervical bones, also called, vertebrae are the bones that make up the spine in the neck. Pain and swelling are the primary hairline fracture symptoms. Treatment of the "hairline fracture" generally involves temporary immobilization. hairline fracture: a fracture without separation of the fragments, the line of break being hairlike, as seen sometimes in the skull. This test uses magnets and radio waves to provide your bone images. At the top of your femur (which is your thigh bone… Pain and swelling are the primary hairline fracture symptoms. There are 2 types of femoral neck stress fractures: tension-type (or distraction) fractures and compression-type fractures.

With repeated stress, hairline fractures become more pronounced, and the symptoms become more severe. An MRI determines a fracture before an X-ray can. A fracture is a … A broken wrist is a fractured wrist. HealthTap: Doctor answers on Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment, and More: Dr. Hellman on hairline fracture back: Hairline fracture implies a mild break in the bone without displacement or angulation. Theree are pro's and cons to a cervical collar.

In some cases, patients may need a walker or wheelchair to help regain mobility. Hairline fracture, also referred as stress fracture can be considered as type of fracture induced by fatigue resulting from persistent stress on a bone over a long time. Most hairline fractures are caused from either overuse or repetitive activity. Tension-type femoral neck stress fractures involve the superior-lateral aspect of the neck and are at highest risk for complete fracture; thus, these should be detected early. DEFINITION--A hairline fracture of the spine in the neck or back (cervical, thoracic or lumbar spine) that develops after repeated stress. The X … It is caused by the application of repetitive strain and excessive training. With repeated stress, hairline fractures become more pronounced, and the symptoms become more severe. This is referred to as an internal fixation. Initially, hairline fracture symptoms are mild and might be overlooked by the patient. They protect the spinal cord, support the neck and allow for movement. A non-displaced fracture usually occurs when the impact of the blow is not focused at a single spot but spread across a comparatively larger area.

Cervical fractures usually result from high-energy trauma, such as automobile crashes or falls.


Treatment for hip fracture usually involves a combination of surgery, rehabilitation and medication. A fracture, or break, in one of the cervical vertebrae is commonly called a broken neck. These symptoms are localized, or focused on the site of the fracture. Scapula fractures represent less than 1% of all broken bones and many of them can be treated without surgery. Causes of Neck Fractures. X Ray.

While this still hurts the pain is generally not as bad as if there is a more serious injury such as a displaced or crooked fracture. The shoulder blade (scapula) is a triangular-shaped bone that is protected by a complex system of surrounding muscles. A break may may suggest a more severe fracture. The type of surgery you have generally depends on the where and how severe the fracture is, whether the broken bones aren't properly aligned (displaced), and your age and underlying health conditions. Broken neck resulting in hairline or non-displace fracture is treated with conservative treatment that involves pain medications like NSAIDs and neck braces. Fracture: Hairline fracture implies a mild break in the bone without displacement or angulation. A collar can exert traction, which is contraindicated in the healing stages (it tends to pull the bone apart). Regardless the pain is generally localized with regional focal tenderness. Hairline fractures, also referred to as stress fractures are now slowly becoming an infamous dilemma in the area of sports medicine. Synonym(s): capillary fracture How do you tell the Difference between a Fracture vs Break? The cervical vertebrae in the neck are labeled C1-C7. Hairline Fractures are minute cracks on the bones, which can become severe if not treated immediately. A broken neck is a big deal because it is the central nervous system's main, some may say only, connection between the brain and the body. Athletes are also at risk. A stress fracture is sometimes called a FATIGUE fracture.

A severe fracture in the wrist may involve one of the long bones (radius and ulna), or one or more of the 8 carpal bones. X-ray changes may not appear clearly for several weeks after pain begins. These symptoms are localized, or focused on the site of the fracture.