In the West, precious gems such as diamonds or rubies were worn by high-ranking people as status symbols. The History of Jade: The Emperor’s Stone. Jadeite Jade.

How Jade is Formed.

The jade is then transported by trucks for sawing and grading according to colour and quality. Jade has value for us not only as a precious stone, but also because it is a beautiful reminder of one of the most tragic events in biblical history—the worldwide Flood.

A high pressure and low temperature … Jade is an ornamental stone. Jade is a beautiful stone that can be green, lavender, orange, red, yellow, or white. A high pressure and low temperature metamorphic enviroment necessary to form jade. Processing. Jade stones are comprised of two separate minerals: jadeite (a sodium aluminum silicate) and nephrite (a calcium magnesium silicate). More water with dissolved jade passes through the cracks and a new layer of jade is formed. The Jade gemstone is most popular due to its vibrant green color.
More layers of Jade form! Jade is a beautiful stone that can be green, lavender, orange, red, yellow, or white. The term jade is applied to two different metamorphic rocks that are made up of different silicate minerals, one being Nephrite jade, the other Jadeite.The two sorts of jade look nearly the same.

Color is largely affected by the presence of trace elements such as chromium and iron. When another shift or earthquake occurs, the old crack or a new one opens. Jadeite differs from nephrite in several ways, most notably the composition of the gemstone’s crystal structure. Melbourne, Australia. Jade is formed usually through metamorphism associated with subduction faulting along tectonic plate boundaries. Most form as crystals, solids whose atoms are arranged in highly ordered repeating patterns called crystal systems.Learning about mineral crystallization and the geological processes involved in gem formation will help gemologists understand some of the properties they’ll encounter in gemstones. It’s quality is graded A, B, and C, depending on how it’s been treated. Finding high-quality jade is extremely difficult, which is part of the reason it is so valuable. For the imaginative and sensitive Pisces, jade keeps their hopes and dreams alive by resonating with the healing rhythm of the earth and its gift of lush, jade-colored greenery in the forests and jungles. So today’s jade deposits formed out of a catastrophe, the global Flood cataclysm. In Chinese writing, it is no accident that the character for “emperor” looks almost identical to the character for “jade”. People only found that they were two different sorts in 1863.