Sender mobile phone number, contact mobile phone number, or transfer reference number is on block list. If you have done any online transaction and want to check transaction status using reference number then this article is for you. Sender account suspended. This is my first transfer, I’m French, and I did not understand all the subtleties … the support tells me that the money is going to be returned and I find it really strange. Get Banks Approval may take up to 72 hours.
412. 411. I do not understand. Duplicate FI transaction reference number. The bank has over 59,000 ATMs in India and adding more to it every day.

413. The transfer was checked by my bank (IBAN) and everything is ok. International bank transactions use either an IBAN or the ISO 9362 Business Identifier Code system (BIC or SWIFT code) in conjunction with the BBAN (Basic Bank Account Number).. EEA and territories. If your service doesn't provide wire transfer tracking, it still should be traceable through the Federal Reserve. Bank transfer. Sender email address, contact email address, or transfer reference number is on block list. Thanks - 6819 IMPS Reference Number Tracking can be easily done by using the unique IMPS reference number which is provided by the bank after every successful IMPS transaction. Recipient account suspended. You may also have the option of calling your bank for any IMPS reference number tracking or to get details of your last IMPS transaction. Don’t panic – simply log into your OFX account the next business day and see if your transfer has been marked as “Received,” even without your reference number. To make a bank transfer first you need to get the list of all the banks, then create the transfer reference. The banks of most countries in Europe publish account numbers using both the IBAN format and the nationally recognised identifiers, this being mandatory within the European Economic Area. So I was sent an amount "x" via bank wire (wire transfer) in mid June but I haven't received it yet, I have been asking my bank on and off but nothing, then last week I asked the sender regarding the issue and they gave me a "transaction reference number" saying that the payment has been received by your bank. You can do various banking operations with the use of SBI internet banking service. Each transaction is given a unique Fed reference number called an IMAD/OMAD ID.This number can be used to track any wire transfer's path through the Federal Reserve, but consumers can't contact the Federal Reserve for the trace.
410. How does one obtain a reference number used in an EFT trasaction when is not refecting on the statement and I forgot it. Users make a wire transfer from their bank account. 414.