Treatment Options for Tibia and Fibula Fractures. The majority of injuries are relatively simple avulsion injuries from the fibular pole and only require immobilization with a cast. Of course there are other ways of fracturing the fibula including trauma that allows the bones to twist, or be compressed. Fractures and breaks refer to the same condition.Fibula fractures occur around the ankle, knee, and middle of the leg. Open fracture (compound fracture) HealthTap: Doctor answers on Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment, and More: Dr. Boyer on distal fibula fracture treatment: You failed to ask a question. A fracture is classified as open or closed. Treatment for a fibula fracture can vary and depends greatly on how severe the break is. What would you like to know? It may include some of the following approaches, used either alone or in combination: Another type of ankle fracture, called an avulsion fracture, occurs when the stretched lateral ligaments literally pull a piece of the fibula off the distal end.

The treatment depends on the severity of the injury and age of the child. Tibia and fibula fractures can be treated with standard bone fracture treatment procedures. Treatment depends on the type of distal fibula fracture which is a reflection of the severity of the fracture and the surrounding ligamentous structures.