hear here 4. The sky was a brilliant blue. Words That Rhyme With BLEW. I need to brush my (hair / hare). The wind blue hard. Circle the correct homophone. Our homophone & homonym finder will find a homonym for any word that has one. Make sure you check out our complete homophones list. Do you ____ how to multiply 2 numbers. Then think of a new sentence using the alternative homophone. I (won / one) the tennis match. The wind blew hard. Homophone practice sheet Write out the sentences in your books, filling in the gaps. Can you ____ The bell? Last week I (road /rode) a horse for the first time. Choose chews 3. The sky was a brilliant blew. The past tense of the word blow is blew, a homophone for the word blue. Homophones are the most confusing words in the English language. A homophone is a word that sounds the same as another word, but has a different spelling and meaning.

blew, blue. Homophone Finder. Lear . There is no homophone for the word "harsh". know no 5. My dog ____ His food carefully.

Our homophone & homonym finder will find a homonym for any word that has one. The wind (blew / blue) the tent over. blue blew 2.

Here’s a complete A-Z list that contains thousands of different homophones. Asked in Homographs Homonyms and Homophones What is the homophone for homophone ? We’ve included as many different homophones as we could find, but also have some guidelines you can read that explain how these words made it on to our list, as well as the reasons why some were left off.. Words that sound the same as Blew . The answer is simple: blew, blue are homophones of the English language. Homophone definition: In English, a homophone is a word that is pronounced exactly or nearly the same as another word but differs in meaning and is spelled differently. Homophone Finder. blue. Asked in Homographs Homonyms … We need to chop some (wood / would). The homophone for blew is blue.

What is the homophone for harsh? bleu.

For example, blue and blew are homophones. 1 2 3. My mom will (sew / so) me a dress.

Lear . The sky is a beautiful ____ Colour. 1. Why do blew, blue sound the same even though they are completely different words?

If you think we’ve missed some words out of our homophones list, we’d love to hear from you! Homophone # 71 blew blue . A homophone is a word that is pronounced the same same way as another word but has a different definition.

Enter the word you want to find homophones for: We found 2 homophones for blew. The words blew, blue sound the same but have different meanings and spellings. Blew. My dog hurt his (paws / pause). Blew, blown, or blowed As a verb, to blow means, in its most common definition, is for air to move either by nature (e.g., the wind or a breeze) or for a person to push air out of his or her mouth. What Is The Homophone For Blew?