If you're turned down ask them how many months rent in advance do you need to pay to get the apartment. How to Rent an Apartment With No Income or Cosigner. In the past, renters who weren’t earning 40 times the monthly rent but had funds in the bank could secure an apartment by paying upfront for …

You can do it, but you have to get a bit “radical” about your finances.

A luxury budget is not for you when you want to figure out how to rent an apartment with only a part-time job. Create a Frugal Budget. Paying a larger security deposit or offering to pay two months of rent right away is a good way to show landlords you’re serious, responsible and have money saved. Create a Frugal Budget. If you lose your job, a few options are likely available to help ensure you keep a roof over your head. Losing your job is tough enough because of the big hit your morale takes. I think a lot of the advice on this thread is great! You are going to need a budget that restricts or eliminates spending in many areas, some of which that are near and dear to your heart.

How to Buy a Car Without Proof of Income. That’s not the bad part though. Here's how.

Working at home avoids the need to pay office rent and makes you eligible for tax write offs. If you lose your job, a few options are likely available to help ensure you keep a roof over your head. Yes, you can live rent free. And technically you are working a job. Your landlord can file a civil lawsuit to make you pay off the lease balance. You can sell your old stuff or you can sell stuff that you find at thrift stores or on clearance racks at your local grocery stores and supermarkets. Steady income is often the best predictor that a tenant will pay her rent on time. But once you start reviewing your financial situation, the job loss can hit you even harder if you realize that you don't have the money to pay next month's rent. This is in addition to all moving-related costs.Take into consideration either six months rent or a solid down payment, plus food, living expenses, and utilities. Deborah L. Jacobs Forbes Staff. Trust me, I was unemployed for quite some time while living in NYC, and you can find an apartment. Maybe their rent is $1,000 per month, and they can only pay … And apple trees. This is in addition to all moving-related costs.Take into consideration either six months rent or a solid down payment, plus food, living expenses, and utilities. A luxury budget is not for you when you want to figure out how to rent an apartment with only a part-time job. People who are self-employed or work on a freelance or temporary basis often have a difficult time providing proof of income. I have a friend that made a full time income by purchasing things at the thrift store and selling them online. Sure, you may not be clocking in and out in some factory or office, but you still have to hustle. Before you do anything rash, consider the following. And I did it without a full-time job.

With land. And a pond. First, there is a really important question we will ask each tenant: “How much CAN you pay toward your rent?” Chances are, even if they can’t pay all their rent, they can probably pay some of their rent. Another fantastic way to earn money without a job is to start selling stuff online. If you can afford it then that might be the way to go. If you break a lease and stop paying rent, your landlord might decide to take legal action against you.