9.1 (a and b) Radiograph 1 year (a) after a non-displaced proximal humerus fracture in an active 52-year-old female. This usually occurs locally, but migration to remote areas of the body has been reported. Lors de traumatisme cette partie de l’os peut se fracturer. Although open fractures of the proximal humerus are rare, displaced fractures may cause extensive ecchymosis, swelling, skin tenting, or pressure necrosis. If the radial nerve gets to be entrapped in a fracture fragment in that case humerus becomes midshaft or closed reduction of a displaced fracture. They are classified according to their location as proximal, humeral shaft, or distal fractures. Le col de l’humérus. 3 Surgical intervention for this fracture type is around 20%, due to the increase in complications as patients age. Whenever internal fixation devices are utilized about the proximal humerus, there is the potential for hardware complications. Concernant les fractures supérieures de l’humérus il est possible d’utiliser des broches, des plaques vissées ou des vis seules ainsi que des clous (tiges métalliques). These fractures can be classified by where the break is, how many pieces it has broken into, and whether the … A proximal humerus fracture is when the top part of the upper arm bone, which is shaped like a ball, is broken. The main goal of surgical treatment is to obtain stable fixation to allow immediate postoperative elbow … Les fractures des tubérosités peuvent être réinsérées de la même manière que les réparations des tendons de la coiffe des rotateurs. One of the complications of fractures is radial nerve palsy.

Fracture complications such as excessive bleeding or soft tissue compromise, infection, neurovascular injury, presence of complex bone injury, such as crushing or splintering, and severe soft tissue trauma will clearly prolong and possibly hinder or prevent this healing process. These fractures can be classified by where the break is, how many pieces it has broken into, and whether the broken pieces have moved out of place or not. Early implant loosening can occur, resulting in migration of an implant into the soft tissues (Fig. Des complications nerveuses surtout ou niveau du nerf ulnaire qu’il faut toujours repérer et isoler et transposer surtout en cas de prothèse. Un patient sur trois, victime d’une fracture de l’humérus distal après 65 ans, va présenter une complication. It may also be referred to as a shoulder fracture. A proximal humerus fracture is when the top part of the upper arm bone, which is shaped like a ball, is broken. These can include bicycle accidents, car accidents, or even a simple slip and fall accident. Proximal humerus fractures are the third-most common type of fragility fracture, accounting for nearly 6% of all adult fractures. Fracture appears healed on the film, but the patient complains of continued pain. The radial nerve entrapment is usual for this sort of fractures. The arms are some of the most vulnerable parts of the body, and they are easily injured in many different accidents.

Les fractures de l’humérus proximal (tête de l’humérus) surviennent préférentiellement chez les patients âgés avec ostéoporose. Notre choix technique. D’où l’impossibilité de lever le bras en cas de traumatisme. 1,2 In addition, as the world's population has aged, the incidence of this fracture type has increased as well. Trois grands types de complications ont été retrouvés dans ces situations. Surgery is the optimal treatment and preoperative planning is based on fracture type and degree of comminution. The most common cause of proximal humerus fractures is a fall particularly when falling onto an …