Syndrome's Omnidroid.
Incredible was one of the foremost superheroes. This allows Syndrome to successfully fake his way into a career as a superhero, where he defeats threats both real (like the Underminer.) The Incredibles, a family of superheroes, alongside their longtime friend and partner Frozone , face the ultimate threat of Syndrome and his mighty Omnidroid.

Disney- Pixar's award-winning 2004 movie The Incredibles comes to life in LEGO form!The Incredibles, a family of superheroes, alongside their longtime friend and partner Frozone, face the ultimate threat of Syndrome and his mighty Omnidroid. Syndrome) (voiced by Jason Lee) first appears as a 10-year-old child named Buddy Pine who professes to be Mr. In The Incredibles, Buddy Pine (a.k.a. Syndrome: Able to use extra free time any way he can. In earlier days, Mr. Syndrome. Incredible. Buddy Pine was a very intelligent young man, and also a fan of the superhero, Mr. In an attempt to earn his hero's respect, Buddy Pine tries to aid him in fighting crime as "IncrediBoy", using gadgets of his own invention.

Syndrome: Able to use extra free time any way he can.

Mr. Mr. Incredible, real name Robert "Bob" Parr, is one of the main protagonists from the 2004 and 2018 Disney/Pixar movies, The Incredibles and The Incredibles 2, as well as other related media. This extends to help from The Incredibles themselves, soldiers, funding, help from other scientists, and use of impeccable fashion. Incredible's "number 1 fan".

Syndrome the main antagonist of the 2004 Disney/Pixar animated movie, The Incredibles. Syndrome's Omnidroid Disney- Pixar's award-winning 2004 movie The Incredibles comes to life in LEGO form! The end of The Incredibles happens, except the Omnidroid never turns against Syndrome and the Parrs are killed on Nomanisan island. The Incredibles vs. They are a series of superhero-killing battle robots created by the supervillain Syndrome as part of Operation Kronos. He wished to be taken on by Incredible as his sidekick, and went so far as to devise his own superhero costume and develop a pair of boots that allowed him to fly.
The Incredibles vs. However, when Mr. This extends to help from The Incredibles themselves, soldiers, funding, help from other scientists, and use of impeccable fashion. Buddy Pine (simply known by his first name Buddy), formerly known as IncrediBoy and better known as Syndrome, is the main antagonist of Pixar's 6th full-length animated feature film The Incredibles, and a posthumous antagonist in its 2018 sequel Incredibles 2. He was the former biggest fan and wanna-be sidekick and now archenemy of Mr.

The Omnidroids are the secondary antagonists of The Incredibles. Will the super-strong Mr. and fabricated. He is the leader of the team, The Incredibles. The Omnidroids are programmed with an artificial intelligence that allows them to learn as it fights its opponents and to solve any problems they encounter.