“Even they don’t want her. Indian reporters and activists want answers from Massachusetts Senate candidate Elizabeth Warren, who has given muddled replies about whether she used unsupported claims of Cherokee … The letter was organized by Cherokee Nation citizens Joseph M. Pierce, Daniel Heath Justice, Rebecca Nagle and Twila Barnes. The letter was organized by four citizens of the Cherokee Nation: Joseph M. Pierce, Daniel Heath Justice, Rebecca Nagle, and Twila Barnes. Elizabeth Warren Apologizes To Cherokee Nation For DNA Test Last fall, Sen. Elizabeth Warren released the results of a DNA test indicating she has Native American ancestry. More than 200 Cherokees and other Native Americans have signed onto a letter urging Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) Phony!” Pocahontas (the bad version), sometimes referred to as Elizabeth Warren, is getting slammed. Pierce said Warren’s letter this week was the first time she had responded directly to Cherokee Nation citizens for her claims. Flash forward 185 years. Hundreds of Cherokees form new group to challenge Elizabeth Warren Posted by William A. Jacobson Wednesday, May 30, 2012 at 6:45am | 5/30/2012 - 6:45am A new group of over 150 Cherokees and growing has formed with the purpose of forcing Elizabeth Warren to give up her false claim to Cherokee … Elizabeth Warren Apologizes To Cherokee Nation For DNA Test Last fall, Sen. Elizabeth Warren released the results of a DNA test indicating she has Native American ancestry. — Donald J. ©2020 The Oklahoman Visit The Oklahoman at www.newsok.com … … Thank you to the Cherokee Nation for revealing that Elizabeth Warren, sometimes referred to as Pocahontas, is a complete and total Fraud! Thank you to the Cherokee Nation for revealing that Elizabeth Warren, sometimes referred to as Pocahontas, is a complete and total Fraud!

Now Cherokee Nation denies her, “DNA test is useless.” More than 200 members of the Cherokee Nation and other Native American tribes have issued a sternly worded letter to Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s (D-MA) presidential campaign, demanding that either she explain her comments about having Native American — and, specifically, Cherokee — ancestry or retract her claims altogether. ©2020 The Oklahoman Visit The Oklahoman at www.newsok.com T he Cherokee Nation called Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s DNA test to prove her Native American ancestry “inappropriate and wrong” in a statement Monday. Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., couldn’t possibly have thought this week would end with her apologizing to the Cherokee Nation. Published on Medium, the open letter comes courtesy of three groups telling Warren she needs to seriously get right with them — by using her admission of cultural/tribal appropriation as a teachable moment.. Basically, she needs to confess in a giant way that what she did was really, really crappy. She took a bogus DNA test and it showed that she may be 1/1024, far less than the average American. for attempting to claim Native American heritage by releasing the results of a DNA test.

Pierce said Warren’s letter this week was the first time she had responded directly to Cherokee Nation citizens for her claims. Now Cherokee Nation denies her,” the president tweeted. Warren also was criticized for refusing to meet with a group of Cherokee women who traveled to Boston in June 2012 to present Warren with genealogical evidence that Warren was not Cherokee, and a separate group of Native American Democrats, including the grandson of Geronimo, who wanted to meet with Warren at the Democratic National Convention at which Warren was a keynote speaker.

and we have Elizabeth Warren's Letter to the Cherokee Nation, a turgid document that reads like a badly written law review article, which … — Donald J. “Sovereign tribal … The Cherokee Nation on Monday afternoon called out Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.)