Several types of mitral valve disease exist. Atrial fibrillation (AF) is present in 30-40% of patients presenting for mitral valve surgery. In some patients with atrial fibrillation, a sternotomy (standard) approach may provide the best results. There are no special tricks to perform a Maze procedure concomitant to a mitral repair. Patients with concomitant valve surgery in aortic and pulmonary valves, aorta surgery, and coronary artery … ABOUT THE VALVE REPAIR PROCEDURE. For mitral valve patients… The maze procedure seems to be clearly indicated in mitral valve patients with symptomatic tachycardia or intolerance to anti-arrhythmic drugs. Mitral valve replacement is a procedure whereby the diseased mitral valve of a patient's heart is replaced by either a mechanical or tissue (bioprosthetic) valve.. In most cases, the valve repair surgery is an open-heart operation. The Maze procedure, also known as a surgical ablation, is used to treat AFib. Using techniques similar to that for mitral valve repair, a “MAZE” procedure can be performed to treat atrial fibrillation either alone or with a mitral valve operation. However, the indication for the combined procedures is controversial when the objective is to decrease the incidence of thromboembolism [3] . For mitral valve patients, AFib is significantly under-treated at most cardiac centers. TEE showed severe mitral regurgitation. Mitral valve repair and mitral valve replacement are procedures that may be performed to treat diseases of the mitral valve — the valve located between the left heart chambers (left atrium and left ventricle). Objective: The objective was to determine whether the Cox maze procedure provides adjunctive benefit in patients with atrial fibrillation undergoing mitral valve repair. After surgery, Ed … A mitral valve repair operation has become standard for nonrheumatic mitral valve regurgitation (MR), and recent reports have shown satisfactory midterm to long-term results, including freedom from reoperation and severe MR.1, 2, 3 However, for yet unexplained reasons, in some patients who undergo the procedure the mitral valve does not remain competent. The main objective is to achieve permanent, linear, transmural lines, with a standard pattern as described by Cox ().Up to today, only cut-and-sew, bipolar radiofrequency and cryothermy can consistently perform permanent linear, transmural lines. This can be done in many different ways, but I prefer a totally endoscopic cryo-maze approach. How long the heart valve repair surgery takes depends on how much heart disease is present. The Maze procedure, also known as a surgical ablation, is used to treat AFib. Background.

Patient was referred for mitral valve repair and maze procedure (which is a procedure performed to treat atrial fibrilation. In many cases, the mitral valve can be repaired by reconstructing the native valve tissues to restore normal valvular structure and function. We performed resection of the anomalous septum between the accessory chamber and the left atrium, and conducted mitral valve repair and the maze procedure. A 39-year-old man had cor triatriatum (Lucas-Schmidt type IA) with severe mitral regurgitation and atrial fibrillation. Although the strongest benefit of a concomitant Maze procedure during mitral valve repair is the obviation of the need for anticoagulation therapy, the risk of thromboembolism without anticoagulation therapy has not been evaluated.