The Canis Major Dwarf Galaxy and Milky Way galaxy belong to a group of more than 20 galaxies that form the local group of galaxies. Moreover, the mass of Andromeda galaxy is estimated to be 1.5×10 12 solar masses while Milky Way has 8.5×10 11 solar masses according to the estimations. The Andromeda Galaxy (M31) is a spiral galaxy and the most massive galaxy in our Local Group of galaxies. This newly-discovered galaxy takes the record for the nearest galaxy to the centre of the Milky Way. What big difference is 2.54 million light-years for Andromeda Galaxy than is 42,000 light-years for Canis Major Dwarf. The nearest of these is the Sagittarius dwarf, a galaxy that is falling into the Milky Way Galaxy, having been captured tidally by the Galaxy’s much stronger gravity.

Our solar system is in the milky way. The galaxy is made up of old stars which are as old as 10 billion years. Here in the Milky Way Galaxy, we take up our fair share of the space in the Universe. In 2003, a team led by Australian and European astronomers discovered this galaxy. What’s the Closest Galaxy to Us? It is the Canis Major Dwarf which many people have obviously missed. nearest galaxies to milky way, ... of years ago, the Milky Way experienced a near collision that churned the ... with the Milky Way would have gravitationally tugged at our galaxy's stars. The beautiful row of infinite stars, visible during clear skies near the horizon is indeed a part of the milky way. If you want a way to reference light years in kilometers here it is! Every star you see in the sky at night with your naked eye is in the Milky Way. In our own galaxy, the Milky Way, the sun is just one of about 100 to 400 billion stars that spin around Sagittarius A*, a supermassive black hole that contains as much mass as four million suns. The core of this galaxy … Canis Major Dwarf Galaxy. One. It is 2.2 million light years away from us. Most black holes are thought to be solitary and not in a binary (or more) system.

The Ursa Major II Dwarf is a faint galaxy, and its luminosity is even lesser than that of some stars such as the Milky Way’s Canopus. This is the nearest galaxy to the earth and is located about 25,000 light-years from the solar system. Our next door neighbor, the Andromeda Galaxy! The distance ranking in this list should be seen only as a guess. To make it easier to compare distances, our nearest star aside from the Sun—Proxima Centauri—is about 4.24 light years away and our Milky Way galaxy is approximately 100 000 light years in diameter. And in a single light year there is 63241.1 AU.

The two will eventually merge into a single new galaxy called Milkomeda: (Now that’s a stunning view! The nearest Spiral Galaxy is our own Milky Way Galaxy.

Distances are given in light years (ly). All of us know about Milky Way, after all planet earth is a part of it.

After that, is the Andromeda Galaxy. These stars have been theorized to be some of the first stars that formed the universe. The galaxy appears spheroidal, and it is 0.098 million light years from Earth. In terms of scale, using Earth as a point of reference, these satellite galaxies are like small islands and the major galaxies are like continents. Nearest galaxy to Milky Way is Andromeda (also known as M31 or NGC224) located in Andromeda constellation with one trillion stars (thats a lot more stars than in milky way galaxy). nearest galaxies to milky way, ... of years ago, the Milky Way experienced a near collision that churned the ... with the Milky Way would have gravitationally tugged at our galaxy's stars.

This list of the nearest galaxies to Earth is ordered by increasing distance. And in a single light year there is 63241.1 AU. If you want a way to reference light years in kilometers here it is! Our nearest neighbor, Andromeda, is 2.5 million light years from Earth and the space between the Milky Way and Andromeda is populated with only a smattering of small galaxies, known as satellite galaxies.

One Astronomical Unit, or AU for short, is 150 million km. Called the Canis Major dwarf galaxy after the constellation in which it lies, it is about 25000 light years away from thesolar system and 42000 light years from the centre of the Milky Way. That is the name of our galaxy so no planet is the closest. The closest spiral galaxy is Andromeda, a galaxy much like our own Milky Way.