Neisseria gonorrhoeae is a bacterial pathogen responsible for gonorrhoea and various sequelae that tend to occur when asymptomatic infection ascends within the genital tract or disseminates to distal tissues. For further information on virulence factors associated with N. gonorrhoeae and N. meningitidis, see the following Learning Objects in your Lecture Guide: Endotoxin; Unit 3, Section C1b ; The Ability to Adhere to Host Cells: Pili and Adhesins; Unit 3, Section B2 Size – The size of Neisseria gonorrhoeae is about 0.6 – 1.0 µm (micrometer) in diameter.. A pathogen’s virulence factors are encoded by genes that can be identified using molecular Koch’s postulates. The lysosomal/phagosomal membrane protein h-lamp-1 is a target of the IgA1 protease of Neisseria gonorrhoeae. Asked in Bacteria ... What are the virulence factors of Neisseria gonorrhea? Nature. Gene structure and extracellular secretion of Neisseria gonorrhoeae IgA protease. … 325(6103):458-462. Virulence Factors Like the other pyogenic bacteria, Neisseria gonorrhoeae has a wide range of virulence determinants, although it does not produce any exotoxins. Manganese regulation of virulence factors and oxidative stress resistance in Neisseria gonorrhoeae.
But this bacteria has a ton of other virulence factors, which it uses to attack and destroy host cells, and also to evade the immune system.

MORPHOLOGY OF NEISSERIA GONORRHOEAE (GONOCOCCUS) Shape – Neisseria gonorrhoeae is an oval or spherical (coccus) shape bacterium with the adjacent side Concave..

This is due to the unique virulence factors produced by individual pathogens, which determine the extent and severity of disease they may cause. Think about It. Pohlner J, et al., 1987. Transmission electron micrograph Neisseria gonorrhoeae; courtesy of CDC. Unanswered Questions. Global rates of gonorrhoea continue to rise, facilitated by the emergence of broad-spectrum antibiotic resistance that has recently afforded the bacteria ‘superbug’ status. When genes encoding virulence factors are inactivated, virulence in the pathogen is diminished.

The bacterium neisseria gonorrhoeae causes the std known as gonorrhea or the clap. Hauck CR, Meyer TF, 1997. The first stages of infection, involving adherence and invasion, are mediated by surface components of the gonococci.
Another important human bacterial pathogen that uses antigenic variation to avoid the immune system is Neisseria gonorrhoeae, which causes the sexually transmitted disease gonorrhea. FEBS Lett.

This bacterium is well known for its ability to undergo antigenic variation of its type IV pili to avoid immune defenses. Now, unlike its sister Neisseria meningitidis, Neisseria gonorrhoeae is not an encapsulated bacteria, so it doesn’t have a polysaccharide capsule.