This Creamy Roasted Garlic Poblano Sauce is not very spicy at all, it’s really quite a mild poblano sauce.

Both sauces go equally well with the chicken-and they also complement each other nicely. Serves 8.

This creamy sauce is not spicy at all but we did offer an option to make it spicy.
Makes 2 cups.

For the cilantro-lime marinated flank steak: (adapted, a little, from All Recipes) 5 garlic cloves 1 small red onion, chopped 2 limes, juiced 1 medium jalapeño pepper 1 cup loosely packed fresh cilantro leaves 2 tablespoons honey 1/2 cup olive oil 4 lbs. If you like recipes like this, you should also try our Cilantro Jalapeno Dip recipe too! This sauce can be prepared with yellow bell peppers instead of poblano chiles. I add in cilantro to this roasted poblano sauce but if cilantro is not your thing, feel free to replace the cilantro with parsely or even leave it out completely. While the creamy aspect really brings the comfort quality to this dish, the bright flavors of poblano chiles, jalapeño, and cilantro make this pasta feel fresh and stimulating. To kick up the heat a bit, consider adding 1-2 more jalapenos to this sauce. Place the warm onion, poblano, broth mixture into a blender with the cilantro and buttermilk.

I will not effect your sauce. Blend until smooth. Blend until smooth. CILANTRO-LIME STEAK FAJITAS WITH ROASTED POBLANO SAUCE. In pasta poblano, the chile cream sauce adheres to the spaghetti in the most delightful way. flank steak salt Roasted Poblano Cream Sauce Recipe. 4 large poblano peppers; 1/2 cup cilantro (without the steams) about 1/2 of a bushel; 1 jalapeño, seeds and stem removed Return the mixture to the pot and add the remaining 1/2 cup broth, the cornstarch mixture and the reserved poblano peppers.