In an in vitro study, sodium sorbate was found to be toxic to human immune cells, causing DNA damage. No teratogenic effects have been observed in pregnant mice and rats administered potassium sorbate. The potassium hydroxide is mixed with sorbic acid.

They’ve been found in your blood stream, no one really knows what they do… it’s better to stick with the physical sunscreens which sit on the surface of your skin. Having said that, two studies have shown that potassium sorbate has the … In other chronic studies, no carcinogenic effect was demonstrated by sorbic acid in rats or mice fed diets containing up to 10% sorbic acid.

Sulfites -- preservatives used in many processed foods as well as wine -- can cause allergic reactions in some people but haven't been proven harmful in pregnancy.

-Close monitoring of serum potassium is recommended. ).Some health conditions may make you more susceptible to the side-effects of the drug.

bacteria, viruses and fungi. You weigh everything that you ingest against its potential risk to your developing baby.

Suggested Dosage.

It may also be used to treat yeast infections when it is not appropriate to use over-the-counter medications. Doctor insights on: Potassium Sorbate Pregnancy 1. Taking miralax (polyethylene glycol) cause low potassium? ), allergies, pre-existing diseases, and current health conditions (e.g. pregnancy, upcoming surgery, etc. Final Report on the Safety Assessment of Sorbic Acid and Potassi urn Sorbat e Sorbic acid is a straight-chain monocarboxylic acid used in cosmetic formula- tions as a preservative at concentrations up to 1.0%.

Potassium iodide has greater anti-septic power than seaweed, so it is preferred in treating boils, cysts and skin infections.

Potassium Sorbate for Pregnancy Potassium sorbate as a preservative is used by beer makers to help inhibit the growth and formation of excess yeast. Potassium sorbate E202 in wine. -Pregnancy is associated with gastrointestinal hypomotility; solid forms of oral potassium should be given only if clearly needed. -Potassium supplementation that does not lead to hyperkalemia is not expected to cause fetal harm. Potassium sorbate is used as an antimicrobial and preservative in personal care items, as well, such as: eyeshadow and other cosmetics shampoos and moisturizers contact lens solution Before using Phenoxyethanol / Potassium Sorbate, inform your doctor about your current list of medications, over the counter products (e.g. Pregnancy safe skincare can be super difficult and confusing. POTASSIUM SORBATE - SAFETY ISSUES Potassium sorbate is a mild skin and eye irritant.