Sample Letter Complaint about Discrimination / Harassment at Workplace. For example, in a hypothetical situation, if Mohammed is working as a plant machine operator in a company and the manager keeps on questioning his dress code, appearance, and Islamic customs it can be termed as racial discrimination. Racial harassment is a common form of racial discrimination in the workplace. Send a discrimination letter when you are communicating information regarding some type of discrimination. It amounts to racial discrimination since Mohammed might feel … The document Open Wide Our Hearts: The Enduring Call to Love - A Pastoral Letter Against Racism was developed by the Committee on Cultural Diversity in the Church of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB). ... last year with the killings of innocent African Americans by the law enforcement and even just people calling others racial slurs when they had no reason to they just did it out of pure hate of the other race. Having a roof over our heads is one of our most basic necessities. Discrimination against gender, caste, sex, and race is common in workplaces. Discrimination can come in many shapes, sizes and colors. Explicit policies banning certain races and the use of …

This grievance letter template includes employment law and legal terminology germane to all of the following grievances (i) work related stress (ii) bullying and harassment (iii) discrimination including disability, sex, race, religion etc,. Complaints about racial discrimination that happened before October 2010 are still covered by the previous law, the Race Relations Act 1976. This is a formal complaint for discrimination / harassment that I / my co-workers have bee subjected to, and our request that you investigate our allegations and take appropriate action to stop it or remedy it. Remember that in order to bring suit in federal district court under Title VII, you must first obtain a right to sue letter from the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC). Sample letters to respond to a complaint of discrimination or sexual harassment. | This simple editable discrimination complaint letter is available in Word format and can be used by tenants complaining to their landlord on … See Template Letter Guidance for information on what to include in this section. Discrimination can occur in many settings, including at work, and can pertain to various issues, such as gender or race. Employees are not given raises or, promotions. Complaint Re: Discrimination Write this type of letter to complain about discrimination, such as gender or racial discrimination in the workplace. The Respondent is [DESCRIBE THE BUSINESS OF THE EMPLOYER]. Racial harassment is a common form of racial discrimination in the workplace.
This is a formal complaint for discrimination / harassment that I / my co-workers have bee subjected to, and our request that you investigate our allegations and take appropriate action to stop it or remedy it.

Dear Manager / Supervisor / Human Resources Officer: I hold a position of _____ at the company. Sample Discrimination Letters. It is something that happens in almost every day in our nation, and it needs to be stopped, altogether. Racial profiling, is only one of the reasons of racial discrimination. Discrimination Complaint Letter Templates. It happens in many companies. I have noticed this from the day I have joined people here in the office always discriminate me because I … Draft Particulars of Claim for ET1 for a claim of race discrimination and unfair dismissal 1. (see: grievance letter template aid).