The Soup-Salad-Sandwich Space makes the classifications more explicit. You’re welcome. There are many things about a hamburger (how it is prepared, where you can buy one, cultural associations) that are just not like a canonical sandwich. These bad boys are going head-to-head for the title of healthiest sandwich. Deep fried food is covered in breading, which makes it a sandwich.

The best Ham Salad Recipe using leftover ham, minced vegetables, hard boiled egg and a lightly seasoned creamy mayonnaise base.

All salad is is a pile of vegetables, Pasta can fall under that definition. We aren't here to end the debate, but we do have recipes for all the best that bread and fillings have to offer.

It has meat in bread. So technically, yes, a hamburger is a kind of sandwich.

The Soup-Salad-Sandwich Space makes the classifications more explicit. -

But this is negligible when your deli guy is stuffing your wrap with an extra 375 calories worth of tuna salad. The debate rages on about the categorization of food items as soup, salad, or sandwich. Ham salad seems to be the most popular the days following Easter.

Serves 1 | Total Time: Less Than 15 Mins

It has meat in bread. - Tanisha Ramirez

- Cristian Farias "Nope, not a sandwich. Two popular brown-bag lunch items are tuna salad sandwich and turkey sandwiches. At what ratio of solid to liquid does a stew become a soup? The sandwich comes with chips, or leaner options of fruit salad or carrot sticks, or the cafe’s own creamy potato salad. You’re welcome. At what ratio of solid to liquid does a stew become a soup?

From this basic premise, all else follows.

(And lettuce.)

The only thing there that doesn't fall under those categories specifically is meat Who needs all that (mostly) white flour? In fact, most sandwiches wish they were tacos." Leftover ham and hard boiled eggs from egg hunts make it a seamless no brainer as how to use them. 340 W. Main St., Waukesha (262) 522-3605 Buy Photo

When you bite it, half its contents fall on the plate.

- Minou Clark "Not a sandwich. Is a hot dog a sandwich? This lack of secureness indicates it's not a sandwich." Salad cream is an oh-so very British condiment that has long been either slathered on jacket potatoes or used to jazz up the limpest of lettuce leaves and the sourest of tomatoes. But where are the truly epic sandwiches in Europe?The special treats that get you drooling at your desk at 10am as you anticipate your lunch. A BLT is a tomato sandwich, seasoned with bacon. Serve with crackers or as a sandwich.