Evolutionary theory struggles with this question. Further, other than Enoch, Genesis 5 does not identify any of the individuals as being especially godly. So mortality is an evolutionary prophecy that fulfills itself in a multitude of ways. When people are asked how long they hope to live, however, attitude seems to make a greater difference than how old they are. Maybe one day in the future our dogs will live as long as we do. After all, our life expectancy is not affected by how long our forebears could expect to live. And that's why there's no single key to eternal life. November 2013 Issue. That’s because increasing life expectancy numbers are now due to more people literally living longer and healthier lives, rather than a large number of deaths in early and middle years contributing to a lower overall average lifespan. Link Copied. “Public health fundamentally changed what it means to be human,” S. Jay Olashansky argues in a short video explaining the jump in human life expectancy in … A scientist named Joao Pedro de Magalhaes says that in 1,000 years’ time, a dog could live for 300 years. Why do humans live for so long? Evolutionary theory struggles with why we live for so long. Oct. 30, 2018 — New research finds how long humans and other warm-blooded animals live -- and when they reach sexual maturity -- may have more to do with their brain than their body. Whatever the case, the first few generations of humanity lived extremely long lives, and then after Noah ’s flood we see a dramatic reduction in average lifespan—people begin to live as long as we do today.

This is perfectly true, but that is not why I presented these figures. At least, this is how the theory goes. A study of young and middle-aged people ages 18 to … This implies that a great amount of rain fell; hence, the idea of a canopy of water vapor suspended in the sky. After the flood, the canopy disappeared, and the full brunt of cosmic rays fell upon the earth, so people's life spans were shortened. Related: Eating Spicy Food Linked to a Longer Life Menopause should reliably mark their death, but that certainly doesn’t happen. God possibly blessed this line with especially long life as a result of their godliness and obedience. In the flood of Noah's time, the Bible says that the floodgates of the sky were opened (Gen. 7:11). It quickly becomes apparent that we live a lot longer than our animal friends. While this is a possible explanation, the Bible nowhere specifically limits the long lifespans to the individuals mentioned in Genesis chapter 5. It is likely that everyone during that time lived several hundred … The Reason Humans Live Longer Than Animal When you compare humans to other mammals we need to take the difference in weight into account. A loosely related theory (exposed a little in this article) posits that humans are so intelligent because we have evolved a long childhood with which to grow our large, powerful brains, which helps explain our survivability to fulfil our longevity. Natural selection promotes survival only up to the last age of reproduction, but menopause marks the end of fertility for women who live into their 50s.

The golden age of medicine—in one chart. Life expectancy is now influenced more by people living longer than people dying young. People are more optimistic than ever when it comes to living long, thanks to advances in science and medicine that push life expectancy, as well as Silicon Valley-types that’re investigating how to extend life by decades. All we can really take away from this is that privileged, accomplished men have, on average, lived to about the same age throughout history – as long as they weren’t killed first, that is. Joe Pinsker .