The sweetest grapes hang the highest . 1. 4. Highest in a sentence. When he rose, her feet dangled high off the ground. 105. 75. You always did have a high … 67. The Word "High" in Example Sentences Page 1 2264156 Aim higher. 102.

Adversity successfully overcome is the highest glory.

Man can climb to the highest summit, but he cannot dwell there long.


I need it when I get in the high country. 66.

The Word "High" in Example Sentences Page 2 327632 I was kicked out of high school. 2. 51. CK 1 3024218 I went to high school in Boston. The highest possible stage in moral culture is when we recognize that we ought to control our thoughts. high Sentence Examples. Her instincts on high alarm, she met Xander's gaze. 231. Sentences; high; high. The shed was piled high with wood. 138. CK 1 2249326 It's too high. happy as a clam (at high tide) happy as a clam at high tide happy as the day is long have (high) hopes of (something) sharptoothed 1 2236715 Tom is high. high.