Friendly motoring reminder: A few things to check to ensure a safe rainy day drive

June 18, 2018

The past week was a rain-drenched one with downpours taking place almost continuously for several days. The weather bureau even reported several low pressure areas and a typhoon. All these can only mean one thing: the hot dry season is over and the rainy season has set in.

For motorists, this means having to be extra careful while on the road. It likewise means making sure that your ride is in tip-top shape. While preventive maintenance is always recommended, we suggest you give a bit of extra attention to these areas:

  • Your tires: It’s been said that those four round things underneath your vehicle are your only contact with the road. And when things get slippery, you want to make sure that they are free of cuts and bald spots. You might also want to make sure that they are properly inflated. Not only will this give you better grip but it will likewise help greatly in terms of fuel economy.
  • Your windshield wipers: Now might be a good time to make sure that those wipers are working properly and aren’t cracked or damaged. The summer heat may have caused them to become brittle so best to replace them if this is the case. Also check the wiper at the back window should you have one. Nothing is worse than a dirty windshield and tailgate window during an intense downpour.
  • Clean all windows: Apart from the front and rear windshields, the side windows are just as important. All around visibility is key in ensuring a safe drive, especially during these rainfilled days.
  • Your electrical system: Make sure that your battery is properly charged and won’t die on you during those crucial moments. Also make sure that your headlights, taillights, and all other lights are working as these will help you become more visible to other motorists when things get gloomy.

They may be simple checks but they could spell the difference between a safe drive and one that ends up in disaster. Be safe during these rainy days, everyone!

About the Author

Mr. Gerard Jude Castillo
Gerard has been a self-confessed car nut ever since he was a little boy. As a grown-up, he indulges in his passion by collecting toy cars (which he started since childhood) and reading up on the latest cars out there.  As Associate Editor, he will ensure that you get your fill of the latest cars in the market, as well as a load of automotive features.