Abstract expressionism expanded and developed the definitions and possibilities that artists had available in the creation of new works of art. All of the following are characteristics of Abstract Expressionism EXCEPT Abstract Expressionist Artists You Need to Know Nov 23, 2016 Abstract Expressionism holds a special place on a list of iconic American cultural innovations, along with Jazz, the electric guitar and television. This wasn't a completely new idea in art. He was an Abstract Expressionist during the 1950s. Its main features are as follows: Abstract Expressionist paintings that employ large areas of color like Mark Rothko's Blue, Orange, and Red are also known as color field paintings. Abstraction itself was nothing new—modernist painters had been regulating the viewer's eye to obscured images and distorted objects for quite some time. It is through this art of distortion, deformation, exaltation, exacerbation, and intensive expression that individual styles generally received the mark of expressionism. Other artists like Vincent van Gogh had been doing the same thing. However, this was the first time this type of art had been given a name. The usage of pure color, shapes, lines, and forms is called as the main characteristics of abstract expressionism. Within the history of art, abstract expressionism became the first art movement from the United States to achieve international acclaim. Although Abstract Expressionism informed the sculpture of David Smith and Aaron Siskind’s photography, the movement is most closely linked to painting. Most Abstract Expressionist paintings are large scale, include non-objective imagery, lack a clear focal point, and show visible signs of the artist’s working process, but these characteristics are not consistent in every example. Facts about Abstract Expressionism 5: the characteristics of abstract expressionism.

The emergence of Abstract Expressionism in New York City during the late 1930s both shocked and titillated the cultural elite of the international art scene. Abstract Expressionism evolved through the work of each individual artist. It is something that was never actually seen in the art sphere (even though abstraction existed already but with a different statue). These artists wanted to paint about emotion. The world of the Abstract Expressionist artists was firmly rooted in Lower Manhattan. It is often characterised by gestural brush-strokes or mark-making, and the impression of spontaneity Abstract expressionism was a pictorial movement that took place in the twentieth century, which main characteristic is the spontaneous affirmation that the individual has through painting.