Today she just seems really sleepy and shes not moving as much or making as much noise. Newborns move through several states: deep sleep, light sleep, a drowsy time, a quiet awake state, an active awake state, and, of course, crying is a “state” as well. While the three reasons listed above for babies sleeping more than usual tend to be the most common causes of extra-sleepiness, it’s important to rule out any medical concerns that could be causing lethargy and more-than-average sleep.

Baby Sleeping More Than Usual: Rule Out Medical Concerns! My baby seems lethargic? Indication of Illness.

I have a 6 week old girl and normally she is a very busy baby, always moving her arms and legs. Should I be concerned.
Lethargic Baby: My bubba girl is going through a leap, she is 4 months old next Friday and today she's just been ultra sleepy and hardly drank much. ... being lethargic; ... a newborn who appears to be sleeping too much is just sleeping on an irregular schedule. If your baby just seems tired or has low energy, just keep a close eye on them. Whether ordering through a hatchery, buying baby chicks from the farm store, or hatching your own, there are seven common illnesses from which they might suffer. At 12-18 months, your baby might be overtired if they miss the morning and afternoon naps. My daughtr has seizures and gets lethargic right before it she just seems to appear extremely tired not answering when I call her name almost like just out if it Add Friend Ignore Christine_Elizabeth 5 kids; 1 angel baby; St. Petersburg, FL, United States 7422 posts Just wondered if anyone had experienced a sudden change in their baby's behaviour? If your baby’s symptoms get worse or they’re sleeping excessively, contact their doctor to rule out illness.

An overtired baby might crash at night, sleeping usually long periods without demanding feedings owing to physical exhaustion that occurs as a result of not receiving enough sleep … The National Sleep Foundation (NSF) recommends a daily sleep duration of 14–17 hours/day from birth to three months, and 12–15 hours/day from four to 11 months .Most babies sleep according to their body’s requirements unless their sleep and wake cycle gets disturbed. We have been around since 2008 and invite you to tap into 10+ years of experience.Our team of expert consultants will create a Personalized Sleep Plan ® just for … 1 Some people may worry that the baby is sleeping too little or too much. My girls would always sleep for days after shots I would have to wake them up and make them eat lol they were easy baby's my son however cried for a week straight and would not sleep at all and every time I got him to sleep and put him in his bed he would wake up right away and scream he would not sleep for longer then 20 minutes unless he was on someone being held : You should be aware of these diseases so that you can recognize them quickly. If you are tired of wading through stacks of baby sleep books that just aren't working, if you are beyond exhausted and just can't solve your child's sleep problems on your own...than personalized sleep consulting is for you. Make sure you get plenty of rest. Newborn sleep has been studied and described for many years.

Catch-up sleep Chronically sleep-deprived babies will typically have 'catch-up' sleep from time to time. Try to look after your physical health – make sure you eat a healthy diet, and get plenty of rest and sleep.
Later in pregnancy, you may feel tired because of the extra weight you're carrying. Add to Favorites Reading Time: 4 minutes. my 4 month old son has become a lot more sleepy the past couple of days, slept a solid 12hrs, more long naps through the day and when he's awake, he just looks v lethargic and like he can't be bothered with anything. First let’s take a brief look at newborns and their sleep patterns, which of course, vary from baby to baby. For some, quick treatment can save your sick chicks. You should also call the pediatrician if it lasts for a while, or is accompanied by a fever or other sick … Today she just seems really sleepy and shes not moving as much or making as much noise. My baby has a fever of 102, is lethargic and sleeping a lot. Lethargy in kids can be related to illnesses ranging from allergies to meningitis. Observe your child for symptoms that accompany lethargy, including sleeping all day, sensitivity to cold, swelling, coughing, constipation, anxiety, changes in appetite, shortness of breath or muscle weakness. Still smiles here and there but just not herself? I have a 6 week old girl and normally she is a very busy baby, always moving her arms and legs. Being tired and run-down can make you feel low. Sill did drink but not full bottles and just was really tired most of the day. My baby seems lethargic?