Several different types of arbitration award can be made: Interim Award – This is a temporary award until the tribunal has given its final decision. Mediation is a similar process, but the decision of the mediator is not binding over the parties. Arbitration is a type of alternative dispute resolution process in which parties that have a legal dispute forego the court process and submit their case to an arbitrator or arbitration panel to decide the matter. Arbitration of Statutory Disputes is the resolution of disputes, such as discrimination claims, through arbitration. Arbitration is distinct from litigation primarily because the parties to the dispute have the right to choose the arbitrator depending on the type of arbitration they opt eg: ad hoc or institutional. Types of Arbitration. India is a signatory to the New York convention, which facilitates the enforcement of international arbitral awards.

There are typically two types of arbitration that private parties can agree to. If mediation is an insufficient means for the parties to adequately address the conflict, then arbitration may be an excellent option. An ad hoc arbitration is one that is not administered by an institution. Grievance, Interest Arbitration, and Arbitration of Statutory Disputes. Grievance Arbitration.

If differs from other types of arrangements such as mediation, expert determination, etc. Both types can be conducted in ADGM.

There are typically two types of arbitration that private parties can agree to. Several different types of arbitration award can be made: Interim Award – This is a temporary award until the tribunal has given its final decision. According to Sec.7(1) of arbitration & conciliation Act 1996 , "arbitration agreement” means an agreement by the parties to submit to arbitration all or certain disputes which have arisen or which may arise between them in respect of a defined legal relationship, whether contractual or not. International arbitration is arbitration between companies or individuals in different states, usually by including a provision for future disputes in a contract.. Voluntary and Mandatory Arbitration. Some employers require their employees to sign agreements stating that they will use arbitration rather than litigation for any disputes involving their employment. On the flip side of the coin, we have ad hoc arbitration. Arbitration and mediation are two separate conflict resolution methods. Its principal characteristics are: Arbitration is … Institutional Arbitration.