Within any species there is room for variation. Thanks You may use the Internet or other resources to find out more.

Giraffes use long tongues of about 18 inches to reach around the thorns.

Most giraffes are average height, but a few are very tall and a few are short.
It is The Giraffe (Giraffa camelopardalis meaning ‘fast walking camel leopard) is an African even-toed ungulate mammal, the tallest of all land-living animal species. Individuals with the same genotype may develop variation due to different environmental conditions such as climatic conditions, diet, physical accidents, lifestyle, culture, etc. Males can be up to 18ft (5.5m tall), females a little less. The giraffe is the tallest land mammal alive, its long legs and neck contributing to its impressive stature. This variation is caused by two classes of factors, which are environmental and genetic.

Not all the organisms will look the same because of different factors.

Rate! Mutation is a change in a gene or chromosome, and can also be inherited.

savanna, sahel, and dry open woodland, especially those regions with an abundance of acacia, a small thorny tree, which is one of the giraffe’s favorite foods.Giraffes also enjoy the leaves of mimosas and apricots. The giraffe has been under-studied, according to Giraffe Conservation Foundation (GCF), receiving less attention than other large African animals like … Also their environment where they might need to blend in with their surroundings so skin color. Within species we can see variation in many ways, for example in humans we see variation in hair colour, eye colour and height. Treeless grasslands with low vegetation are not ideal for giraffes because it’s hard for them to reach down far enough to eat off the ground. What is Environmental Variation? State on possible advantage of short giraffes. Each individual giraffe has a unique coat pattern. State one possible advantage of very tall giraffes.

variations it has evolved in response to those pressures.

The skin underneath the dark areas may serve as windows for thermoregulation, being sites for complex blood vessel systems and large sweat glands. Larger predators would cause the rabbit to run faster to outrun their predator, so speed is a variation.

Samotherium fossils and variation in the neck within the giraffe kind (Giraffidae) iStockphoto. For many years, scientists have looked for an evolutionary explanation for the size of the giraffe's neck, especially when its ancestors, shared with okapis and deer, lacked this feature. The giraffes range extends […] Giraffe calves inherit some spot pattern traits from their mothers, and variation in some spot traits are correlated with neonatal survival. the height of a giraffe enables it to feed on the leaves of trees that other grazing animals can't reach Organisms with favorable variations reproduce more successfully than organisms with less favorable variations.

Occasionally they will also eat shrubs, fruits and grass. a variation amoung giraffes in a natural population is height. What is environmental pressures of a rabbit? win over $7,000.00 may prize day's event gwy. I'm not a wild rabbit expert, but my guess here would be variations like fur/eye color and consistency, as well as body shape or type (large, small, compact, light, etc. A giraffe's principle food source is the acacia tree, which is known for its nasty thorns.
Thick saliva protects a giraffe's digestive system in case of a thorn is accidentally swallowed. by Jean K. Lightner. These type of variations are known as environmental variations. 1 See answer Answer Expert Verified 4.0 /5 64.

Scientific Name: Giraffa camelopardalis Common Name(s): Nubian giraffe, reticulated giraffe, Angolan giraffe, Kordofan giraffe, Masai giraffe, South African giraffe, West African giraffe, Rhodesian giraffe, and Rothschild's giraffe Basic Animal Group: Mammal Size: 16–20 feet Weight: 1,600–3,000 pounds Lifespan: 20–30 years Diet: Herbivore Habitat: Woodland and savanna Africa ENVIRONMENTAL PRESSURES The competition for food is causing there to be less and less low-hanging leaves on the trees the giraffes feed on. The taller giraffe has access to higher food. #9 win over $7,000.00 in may day's prize events is my name on the winners list? The researchers were originally checking in on the giraffe population’s genetic diversity in hopes of clearing up confusion over exactly how many subspecies of giraffe there are. A giraffe that inhabits the north of Cameroon, southern Chad, Central African Republic and only a few survive in the west of Sudan.