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Er ist eine Weiterführung vom „Drill im Verteidigungskreis“ und bringt das Close Out in Spielnähe. Die Verteidigung (auch Defensive oder englisch defense) verfolgt im Basketball das Ziel, einen gegnerischen Korberfolg zu verhindern, beziehungsweise vor dem Wurf, oder nach einem erfolglosen Wurfversuch, in Ballbesitz zu gelangen.. Es existieren verschiedene Verteidigungssysteme im Basketball. Basketball Drills: 3 on 3 Defensive Drills These 3 defensive drills are from Matt Monroe’s Hoops Roundtable site. Modify these drills to fit what you need to use to teach and reinforce and your defensive rules, concepts, and principles. Oftentimes, when coaches talk about focusing on skill development in practice, they are referring to working on offensive skills like shooting, passing, ball handling, and finishing. Basketball Drills - Breakdown Drills for Teaching the 2-3 Zone Defense By Dr. James Gels, ... Just like teaching man-to-man defense, to get good at it, you must also break down the 2-3 zone defense into drills, so that rotations become a habit, without players having to think about it. Bei dem Drill soll die korrekte Mann Verteidigung nach einem langen Close Out geübt werden.

These basketball defense drills incorporate the entire team, rather than just a couple of players. Dieser Drill soll das Closeout und die Helpside Rotation verbessern. Start with 2 offensive players at the top of the key, one either side and 2 more offensive players in the wing positions. Sure, a huge part of playing defense is mindset and attitude, but these eight drills will teach skill and technique. Close Out Durchführung. Es bilden 6 Spieler zu je Zweiergruppen ein Dreieck an der Dreierlinie. The aim is to improve defensive positioning. Defensive drills to help teach and develop man-to-man defense as a whole. Die bekanntesten Verteidigungssysteme sind die Mann-Mann-Verteidigung, bei der … 1. The Defense section will help improve your game when you do not have possession of the ball. Defenders start by the offensive players in the correct position. These basketball defense drills incorporate the entire team, rather than just a couple of players.