The Difference Between a Trustee & a Deacon in the Church ... Deacons are typically the people in the church who assist the pastor in various duties from caring for church families to assisting the church’s trustees in financial matters. I think most people would go ’we have Deacons in the UMC?’” ... LOCAL PASTOR Although in many ways the licensed local pastor’s role looks similar to that of the elder, there are differences. Through the crucified and risen Christ, we are called to be a missional, diaconal church with a prophetic voice to love with compassion, justice and boldness. In the early church there seem to be just two offices local church offices — elder/overseer/pastor and deacon (1 Timothy 3:1-13; Titus 1:5-10; Philippians 1:1). So many people become confused with the terms: priest, reverend, pastor, and minister. In one of my early pastorates, two deacons did something unusual: they actually shepherded the congregation. Their presence gives time for the pastor to do other activities like prayer and fasting. First, you, the pastor, would need to address the obstacles in the way of implementing the biblical model.
All of this to say - an Episcopal deacon is a junior priest whereas a Baptist deacon would be a very senior member.
God is the one who created the office of “deacon.” However, the evolution of the office has been misshaped by churches who are abdicating pastoral responsibilities. Deacons are often the church members who pass the offering baskets during the service. Deacons, priests, and bishops are ‘Ordained Ministers.’ Within the ‘Catholic’ and ‘Orthodox’ Churches, they are the Ordained roles. There are many names given to the preachers of the faith. I had one deacon recently sit down in my office unannounced. In the absence of the pastor the chairman of the Deacon Board or ministry is in charge. Pastors need friends, not only other pastor peers from outside the church, but also friends within the church. I think that's pretty obvious from these two verses above. Most church community followers often make the mistake of interchanging these two religious titles, as they seem to be synonymous.This is perfectly understandable as these two labels have their similarities. Both the deacon and the bishop/elder/pastor should be a male, the husband of one wife, of sterling character, and one who rules his own home in a biblical way.

First Church of Our Lord Jesus Christ, The New International headquarters … Minister vs Pastor. Elders are to be apt to teach, which includes both the desire and ability to study and teach. Apostle Gino Jennings speaking about "Deacons & Deaconesses".

Pastor vs. Reverend. Moving from a Deacon-Led to an Elder-Led Church. Since pastors and deacons serve closely together, at least a few deacons should be close friends with pastors.

Trustees. As a deacon, they can read the Gospel, prepare the Eucharistic table (but not actually lead the Eucharist), and pronounce the blessing at the end of the service. What is the difference between a pastor and a deacon?