Interval Training for Endurance Horses & Why Mileage Horses Need Breaks . Interval Training For Explosive Horse Power Cutting horse shows the benefits of interval training.

To boost your horse’s fitness and stamina incorporate interval training into his work.

Dale A Stork -

Interval training is designed to strengthen the horse’s muscles and respiratory system by a gradual increase in ‘stress’ or exercise levels. Interval training (involving alternate periods of hard exertion and short rest) is probably a better option because high-speed exercise is as not bad as previously thought.

Moreover, the training of each animal must be highly individualized, no one 'instruction manual' will work for all horses. We speak to riding at speed expert, Mark Smith, who gives his expert guide. In many equestrian sports, the riders competing with the fittest mount can win the blue ribbon or even an opportunity to stand atop the Olympic medal podium. A 20-minute interval training session should consist of: - Four minutes in walk - Three minutes in trot - One minute in walk - Two

Anything less is unusual, so don't count on it. Therefore, one must know, going in, that Interval Training is not a fast or easy way to get a horse to the track; one should plan on anywhere from nine months to a year. The basic idea behind interval training is to enable the horse to experience more intense work over several short periods of activity than would be possible if the work was carried out in one block.