As a result, we have to face very dangerous floods, which destroy our plants, crops, trees, and even our houses. A longer life is a gift, but one you must plan for: Think about if your nest egg will support you in the year 2050 and beyond. Purple, orange, blue. For example, Africa was 227 million in 1950, yet it is projected to be almost 2 billion by 2050!

The Chernobyl exclusion zone shows a glimpse of a world inhospitable to life. There are some reasons to be optimistic about life then. Along with development of scientific advances, people will have more means of transport.
Orwell saw dystopia, Hollywood saw flying cars, George Lucas saw lightsabers.

This is helping to melt the polar ice caps and the glaciers and because of that now the sea levels are higher by 2-4 inches worldwide. For every human being in Africa in 1950, there will be nine in 2050!

Cancer will be cured, and artificial limbs will outperform natural ones. If sci-fi movies and books are anything to go by, the future is exciting and intimidating at the same time.

By 2050, the number of people per square mile will increase to 67. But many areas of the Western world are not projected to grow nearly as fast as others.

A poster produced for the IX London Sci-Fi Film Festival's Life in 2050 competition. How strange.

It's hard to imagine life before the onslaught of technology. Coloured clouds. Although the scenarios sound like the plot of a science fiction film, they are among many predictions futurologists have made about life just 33 years from now. ...Life in 2050 Within the next 40 years, most people believe, the world will get the bulk of its energy from sources other than oil. An evolving retirement plan could be necessary if …

6 years ago. Here are 10 ways that tech advancements could totally transform our lives by 2050, letting us have the sci-fi way of life, much similar to the Jettisons.

Seven billion people will live in urban areas by 2050; vastly outnumbering rural people. Computers will converse like people.

... Futurism Staff. A beep sounded from the chip in her ear.

The art direction was in collaboration with This is Transmission Pearson said rocket companies like Jeff Bezo's Blue Origin and Elon Musk's SpaceX will push the envelope with space travel enough that tourism will be feasible in the year 2050.

There will be more senior citizens than young people (between the ages of 12 …
'Pink' she thought, staring directly at the air in front of her.