You are the one who wants to be … Nope.

Note that you can be a “people pleaser”, and not actually please people/be a pushover. To stop being a people pleaser, start by telling yourself, "I can make a decision to say yes or no,” to remind yourself that you have choices. If you answered yes to more than 1 of these questions you are a People Pleaser. Answer each question True or False based on your experience most of the time. People-pleasing differs from accommodating someone though we rather not, because we value the relationship and know that compromise is necessary to sustain it. So fill out this short, 10-question People Pleaser quiz to help me know more about how I … But there is a big difference between the desire for acceptance and people-pleasing. Are you a people pleaser? Nor are people-pleasers compromising. Here is a little quiz… Are you willing to serve dinner one hour later because one of your guests is running late? If you find that you act differently in different places or with different people, different at home or at work for example, you can take the quiz more than once. It’s selfish to be a people pleaser. I’m especially curious to hear from people who feel like they’re constantly sacrificing their needs, and those missing out on deep and meaningful relationships because they keep things too superficial, safe and fake.

Are You A People Pleaser? Fill Up I see the challenges this brings up in my business coaching practice. Then, practice saying “no” to small requests, such as going out with a friend when you’d rather stay in, so that you can build up …

You may think being a people pleaser makes you a “good” person and is perhaps even a generous or loving way to be.

Take this quiz and find out! Why? At some point or another, we have all struggled with people-pleasing. In this case, you’re most likely dedicated only to a specific person or group of people, like your family. After all, as social creatures, we are prone to peer pressure and the desire to fit in.

A people-pleaser isn’t just being big-hearted or kind to others. (I’m not talking about Obama or … Because being attached to pleasing others is really about you. Take The Quiz And Cure Yourself!

You may be a people pleaser in one area of your life, but not another.

16 Habits of People-Pleasing Personality Types.