As a believer God gives us the ability to pray/speak with new tongue as one of the evidences of our union with Christ. Pastor Breaks 18-Year Silence About Speaking in Tongues; Using the Gift of Tongues to Pray …

"Paul, the great apostle who wrote most of the New Testament and laid the foundation for victorious Christian life, thanked God that he spoke in tongues. If I pray in an unknown tongue, my spirit prays, but my understanding is unfruitful. Speaking in tongues is okay, Paul spoke more than all of them, but if its personal keep it that way. If the Bible says they spoke means they are using their tongues, they are using their voice, and Speaking in tongues is encouraged. Paul says that the one who speaks in a tongue “speaks not to men but to God” (1 Cor. Praying & Speaking in the Spiritual Gift of Tongues: What the Bible Says about Tongues. This form of prayer has caused much controversy in the body of Christ. 3. Praying in tongues is a tremendous weapon available to us as Christians. Don’t Lose Focus. 1. These are some of the testimonies that have flooded in following the 7 hour prayer time in other tongues: ... We so appreciate our people, and our daughter Christy, who labor daily with us in the ministry. I want to emphasize something here. A. When we pray in tongues, we bypass our natural thinking and the prayer comes directly from our spirit. some have difficulty with praying in tongues. Praying in tongues is not a measure of spiritual maturity or some mystical religious, born-again experience. Place faith in God’s salvation plan at the forefront of your mind. Praying in tongues, as well as singing or worshiping in tongues is used to edify ourselves. We can use this prayer language when we are unable to find words to pray, because we are too weak. Related Articles. I “sow to the Spirit” often as I am driving down the street. When a man or woman get baptized in the Holy Spirit and pray in tongues, it is they who speak and pray and move their tongues and use their voice. Focus your mind on God and the holy spirit that God has filled you with. At one time, I prayed seven minutes a day in tongues daily for months. Paul deemed praying in other tongues important and was grateful for the blessing. Another time, I did it for 14 minutes a day faithfully for months. #4: Speaking in tongues is prayer, praise, and self-edification. When we pray with tongues, it is our inward man praying. Speaking in tongues is believed to be an act of strong faith, so focusing your mind in this way makes it much easier to successfully speak in tongues. Though I don’t pray in tongues “by the clock” much anymore, I now pray in tongues in my devotional life more than I pray in English. The words do not come from your mind. 1. Paul is setting priorities for the church.