Is Quantum Superman (Allen Adam) one of the most powerful characters in comics? Send the Angels back to heaven 15. Doctor Manhattan at the Watchmen Wiki; Footnotes ↑ 1.0 1.1 1.2 "DCU: … Superman punched Brianiac so hard that all Brianiacs throughout the multiverse feel it (including God Brianiac). Feats and scans of Superman doing incredible things. Soo… you demand legitimate arguments that Saitama could go against Superman excluding the “His entire concept is literally him being unbeatable.”, huh? Defeat a Quantum Mechanic (The ones that beat an imp) 17.

For every 100 feat points achieved the player will receive an additional skill point for their character.

Quantum Supes effortlessly containing that energy of of symmetry, memories, duality, probabilities and possibilities might be one of the most impressive feats out there. DCUO Powers, guides, investigations, collections, briefings, feats.

Stalemate Asmodel 19. Destroy 20% of a universe 20. Which means Superman's punch was able to transmit an effect across multiple universes. 21.

Generally speaking, we are keeping our list to feats performed by Superman, but we have to make an exception for this one feat that Superman performed when he was younger.

Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. This feature is not available right now. Read the minds of every being in the Galaxy.

Feats are challenges that award feat points upon completion.

Golden Age Superman: Faster then a speeding bullet, more powerful then a locomotive and able to leap tall buildings in a single bound. Each feat has a star rating, which reflects the difficulty of accomplishing that feat:

Durability feats for new 52 Superman.

Rebuild Heaven's Ladder 16. Superman is on a multiversal scale and I'm already showing it to you this Feats! Enjoy the vid. Turn the Wheels of Mageddon 18. Our Website only provides Guides, Apps, and Assistance for players who want to learn more about the DCUO Game Slice Superman's skin (with no weakness exploitation) 14.

While we prefer not to use Superboy feats, the fact of the matter is that Superboy is Superman, just younger… In order: 12.

People who think he suck should listen to this before saying he's total crap. DCUO Bloguide is not related to DC Universe Online in any way. It is much more than just physical durability but also complex.

Related. ... And that’s also not getting into the fact that my explanation of Superman’s impossible feats neglect to …

Superman's solar-powered feats break a fundamental law of physics by University of Leicester It goes without saying that Superman can accomplish some pretty spectacular feats. Enjoy the vid. 40 Appearances of Jonathan Osterman (Watchmen) 17 Images featuring Jonathan Osterman (Watchmen) 12 Quotations by or about Jonathan Osterman (Watchmen) Character Gallery: Jonathan Osterman (Watchmen) External Links .