If planting them on a slope, make a small dam with soil on the downward side to retain the water, otherwise the water will just run straight past the plant without penetrating the soil.

Azaleas grow well in organically enriched, acidic, well-drained soil. There are a variety of sizes, bloom times, petal shapes and colours available. How to Get Acidic Soil for Azaleas.

When planting an azalea in a container or pot, we recommend using a quality potting soil or potting mix, or a 50/50 combination thereof. Pot some Azaleas Rhododendrons, or Azaleas as they are referred to here in South Africa, are amongst the most beautiful of all flowering trees and shrubs. The best soil for azaleas in pots is a combination of organic materials. If this occurs, a soil test is suggested for exact recommendations on adding a soil amendment to the soil in order to adjust the pH. Azaleas are one of the most beautiful shrubs of all garden plants and grow, flower and thrive in pots for over 100 years.

Fill the pot with potting soil labeled for use with azaleas, as the plants thrive best in acidic soil. It is important that the soil is well drained because these plants don’t do well in soggy soil. Acidity: Rhododendrons and azaleas prefer acidic soils having a pH between 4.5 to 6.0. Azaleas also grow very well in a pot, where they can brighten up a balcony, patio or deck. You could use pine needles, which help to keep the soil acidic, or top quality shredded bark or, best of all, home-produced leaf litter. Potted azaleas are readily available at any time of year and make popular gifts, with large, colorful flowers held in bunches against dark green leaves. Of course the azalea needs to be pruned in order to keep it healthy and at a size manageable for the pot. Unfortunately, they require specialised growing conditions in order to thrive, and many parts of the country are not ideally suited to growing Azaleas in the garden.

Adding organic matter, such as compost, to your soil at planting helps. Give them a generous mulch, between two and four inches deep, each spring to keep the soil moist and the roots cool. Azaleas may be deciduous (drop their leaves in autumn/winter) or evergreen. Azaleas also need well-aerated, well-draining soil to make sure roots get plenty of oxygen and never sit in soggy ground. Most azaleas are happiest in a spot that receives morning sun and afternoon shade, in moist, organic rich well-drained soil that is on the acidic side. Your soil should have a pH level of 5.5 or to 6.0. You can also add some pumice or perlite (maybe 10 to 20%) to the soil mixture to help with drainage. The smaller the pot, the smaller the azalea will grow. Constantly soggy or wet soil can and often will cause root rot or other harmful plant diseases.

Azaleas are ericaceous plants, which means they thrive in acidic soil with a pH between 5.0 and 6.0. How to Pot an Azalea. Look for a potting soil mixed specifically for acid-loving plants, or create your own by mixing half potting soil and half fine pine bark. If the leaves turn yellow between green veins then you most likely have a pH problem. This is one advantage of growing azalea in planters, as you can easily control the quality of the growing medium. When you purchase your plants, check their condition. The best size is the one that fits the needs of the gardener's space. If your garden store or nursery doesn't sell azalea-specific potting soil, North Dakota State University suggests that you mix your own by combining one part sphagnum peat moss with two parts standard potting soil. Alazlea pots traditionally come in 4-, 6-, 8- and 20-inch (in height) sizes. Ask if they can show you the roots of the plant by removing the plant from the pot so you can inspect the roots. Plant your shrub in the right soil. Azaleas growing in pots appreciate a moist but well-drained soil.

Rhododendrons and azaleas will let you know if the pH is not correct.

Azaleas belong to the same family as rhododendrons but tend to have softer, thinner leaves and fewer flower stamens. The azalea, a member of the Rhododendron family, thrives in an acidic soil that has a pH of 4.5 to 6.0. Always plant azaleas at or slightly higher than the level they were growing at in their nursery pot. Re-pot every 2 years if growing in a container as the soil can become compacted and waterlogged. You should also avoid heavy clay when planting azaleas, as clay will choke the roots. 1/3 Peat moss will provide the correct soil pH and 2/3 of either leaf mould, compost or manure provides the optimal soil moisture balance, structure and nutrients for azaleas to grow in pots and containers.

Avoid planting azaleas too deep. Azaleas require acidic soils, with good drainage and moisture retention so pots and containers are a great option if you have slow draining or alkaline soils. It would be easier growing Azaleas in pots if you buy transplants instead from your local nursery or garden store. Azaleas thrive in fertile acidic soil and they are easy to look after once they are established.