a n. 1 (Tech) tensión f , carga f. 2 (psychological etc) (=strain) estrés m , tensión f (nerviosa) in times of stress en épocas de estrés or tensión. Spanish nouns have a … stress (. An accent mark is used to indicate that the stress goes on that syllable where the pattern above isn't followed. A noun is a word referring to a person, animal, place, thing, feeling or idea (e.g. these words contain two stressed syllables). emphasize, bring out, accentuate, punctuate. to subject sb to great stress someter a algn a grandes tensiones. To remember which way an acute accents slopes try thinking of this saying: It’s low on the left, with the height on the right. recalcar verb. (m) means that a noun is masculine. the stresses and strains of modern life las presiones de la vida moderna. More Spanish words for stress. insistir en verb. underline, highlight, underscore, reiterate, accentuate. (strain) a. el estrés. subrayar verb. Spanish words without written accent marks have the stress on the last syllable unless the word ends in s or n, in which case the accent goes on the next-to-last syllable. man, dog, house). Similar translations for "to be stressed" in Spanish to be verb existir - acudir - acontecer - augurar - andar - caer - encontrarse - encontrarse - estarse - medir - quedar - ubicarse - deber - tener que - haber de - estar - ser - hacer de - tener In Spanish, the penultimate syllable of a word is stressed unless it ends in a consonant other than "n" or "s." En español, la penúltima sílaba de una palabra va acentuada, a menos que acabe en una consonante aparte de "n" o "s".

stress. strehs. ) 1. In the words of the form “somethingmente” in Spanish, the stress in “something” stays exactly the same (whether it is denoted using an accent or not), and “me” in “mente” is also stressed (i.e. noun. Tip The accent that shows stress is always an acute accent in Spanish (´).