Could you be the new Mazda3?

October 18, 2018

It’s no secret that Mazdawill soon unveil a new generation of its Mazda3 compact. Apart from its relative age (which is about 6 years old, or an eternity in car years), the Japanese brand has also been sending out teasers, the latest of which is the accompanying video.

A quick glance reveals an even more shapely take on the trademark Kodo Soul of Motion design language. In fact, many are saying it will take its cue from the Kai Concept tha was shown at last year’s Tokyo Motor Show. This means we should be seeing a very futuristic looking sedan and hatchback.

The other pieces of big news for the upcoming model are the SkyActiv Architecture and SkyActiv X engine. The former promises a sturdier yet lighter structure that translates to better handling and ride quality. Moreover, improved interior space is likewise promised.

The latter, on the other hand, is Hiroshima’s answer to pseudo or variable compression engine technology. In plain English, SkyActiv X promises a substantial power increase over the standard four-stroke, four-cylinder motor by dropping the fuel into the cylinder right before the ignition or power stroke. This is then used to ignite the mixture, helping improve efficiency and response.

For now, however, that\s all we know about it. Rest assured that we’ll let you in on what the new car is, along with all the details, once it debuts at this year’s Los Angeles Auto show, slated to take place this November.

About the Author

Mr. Gerard Jude Castillo
Gerard has been a self-confessed car nut ever since he was a little boy. As a grown-up, he indulges in his passion by collecting toy cars (which he started since childhood) and reading up on the latest cars out there.  As Associate Editor, he will ensure that you get your fill of the latest cars in the market, as well as a load of automotive features.