The Petron Blaze Racing Team emerged as Class 2 champions in the recently concluded Petron Kalayaan Cup, a 12-hour endurance race held at the Clark International Speedway to celebrate Philippine Independence Day last June 12.
Driving a vintage Honda Civic EK with a surplus engine, the Petron Blaze Racing Team — headed by pilot-businessman-race car driver Mon Dimapilis, along with teammates Jevoy Moreno, Mikko Rayo, Moses Dumaguing, Powee Base, and Rod Chang — bested the other cars in its class by accomplishing 241 laps within the 12-hour period.
With Petron Blaze 100 as the official fuel for the endurance run, all competitors were able to benefit from the high-performance advantages offered by this 100-octane pure gasoline. What distinguished the Petron Blaze Racing Team was the added advantage of also using Petron Blaze Racing engine oil as lubricant, creating the perfect winning combination.