Porsche Answers the Burning Question: What is Courage?

February 6, 2017

What is Courage?  As many of us continue to ask ourselves and the world around us this burning question, Porsche may have an answer. Yes, the German sports car maker embarks on a campaign that seeks to find the answer. And it has even solicited the help of three well-known celebrities to do it.

Renowned Hollywood actress Michelle Yeoh, actor and race car driver Patrick Dempsey, and Chef and restauranteur Andre Chiang have been tapped as all three have shown what courage is and have gotten to where they are today because they chose to let go of dear, take a bold step, and chase their dreams.

And just like Yeoh, Chiang, and Dempsey, Porsche has likewise gone against the tide. Founder Ferry Porsche pursued his dream as he couldn’t seem to find a car that he wanted at the time. So he decided to build one. And the brand has built a reputation around rear-engined sports cars like the iconic Porsche 911. It even has the signature “boxer” or horizontally-opposed engine for better weight distribution.

Apart from the 911, Porsche has likewise gone on to churn out other models that break the mold.  Imagine a luxury sedan that is sharp and truly engaging to drive—unlike to soft and wafty rides that most cars in the class provide. This is the Porsche Panamera.

While skeptics thought that Porsche had gone mad by introducing a four-door 911, it looks like Porsche is the one who has the last laugh. Because despite it being able to deliver sports car-like performance, it still manages to cosset occupants in the lap of luxury—whether they’re seated at the back or enjoying the car the way it was intended: as a driver’s car. Moreover, the sales charts prove that Porsche made the right move.

And this is what defines Porsche as a brand. As it heads into the future, Porsche looks to continue pushing the boundaries and showing everyone that it is okay to go against the tide. After all, courage isn’t the absence of fear, but the determination to go above and beyond it.

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About the Author

Mr. Gerard Jude Castillo
Gerard has been a self-confessed car nut ever since he was a little boy. As a grown-up, he indulges in his passion by collecting toy cars (which he started since childhood) and reading up on the latest cars out there.  As Associate Editor, he will ensure that you get your fill of the latest cars in the market, as well as a load of automotive features.