Women who have a flat stomach may also be aware of what foods to avoid to prevent bloating and gas. Belly fat is one heck of a stubborn thing to shed even for those who spend hours sweating at the gym.

Who doesn’t dream of having the perfect flat stomach? Muscle is more metabolically active than fat, which means the more you have, the faster your metabolism is and the more calories you burn all day long—all key for a flat stomach.

No foods can flatten your stomach on their own, but certain foods within a balanced diet can make shedding excess abdominal fat easier. We so are excited to share some of our favorite flat belly foods that are anything but bland “diet foods”. WHAT FOODS + WHY? This isn't to say that dairy is completely off limits, as healthy options like skim milk supply the body with protein and calcium. It's cold outside, reducing the amount of even simple activities like walking. I know that a lot of women don’t know what foods to eat and which foods to avoid to lose weight (to get a more toned stomach) – and so I wanted to share my top 10 list of foods to avoid for a flatter tummy and then give some examples of healthier alternatives or realistic portion sizes. Lowering your sodium level can help keep you from retaining water, making your abdomen look bloated.

Doing so is important, according to Harvard Health Publications, because visceral fat -- which lies beneath the abdominal wall -- triggers inflammation, raising your risk for high blood pressure and heart disease 1 3 . Consumed in moderation (and with the skin on), they’ll aid digestion and help beat belly bloat. Some people are intolerant to foods like lactose--the sugar in milk products, soy and wheat. Belly fat is one heck of a stubborn thing to shed even for those who spend hours sweating at the gym. 32 Belly Fat Burning Foods By Jane Thomas | 2/17/2018. Also, abdominal obesity has been linked to Alzheimer’s disease, as well as other metabolic and vascular diseases. Long-chain triglycerides are present in dairy products. Resistance training builds this quality lean muscle, so do two to three total-body strength sessions a week , says Tom Holland, exercise physiologist and author of Yep, potatoes are another potassium-rich, good-for-you food...as long as you don’t pile on the butter and sour cream. Wintertime is the season when fat tends to settle around our waist, arms, and on the hips. "Many people know that fiber-rich foods are good for a flat belly because they help to move food and waste through the GI system, preventing constipation and bloat. It’s all about filling up on fiber and protein, and flushing out excess sodium to get that waistline feeling trim and slim. It can be challenging to get rid of abdominal fat, but there are many techniques that people can use to help get a flat stomach. It can be challenging to get rid of abdominal fat, but there are many techniques that people can use to help get a flat stomach. If you’re trying to get a flat stomach, eat a diet which is rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean protein, and avoid junk food like candy, chips, and fast food. However, we often forget about the water part of the equation," says Rachel Begun , RDN, … You have to be consistent with your workouts and maintain healthy eating habits at the same time. A flat belly depends on what kind of food you put in it. Knowing what to avoid can certainly go a long way in helping you achieve a flat, toned abdomen. Image Credit: Alexander Spatari/Moment/GettyImages However, if you're overweight and want to flatten your belly for the long term, the solution is a change in diet and exercise. Whether you’re toning up after a baby, or want a flat belly for summer this collection of fat burning foods, tips, ab workouts & flat stomach diet plans will help you achieve your goals! Who doesn’t dream of having the perfect flat stomach? A study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that a diet rich in medium-chain triglycerides, as opposed to long-chain triglycerides, diminished overall abdominal fat. Here’s a list of foods … There is a balance of power in the way food affects the body and the way activity neutralizes that effect. Discover the best flat belly foods, ab workouts & legit tips to achieve your goals! These tasty foods can’t be beat when it comes to getting a flat stomach. Also, abdominal obesity has been linked to Alzheimer’s disease, as well as other metabolic and vascular diseases. These foods can cause a flat stomach to appear distended and full. The desire for a flat tummy is a dream for many, and a challenge too.