En alarm går, mens mandagsgudstjenesten i ugen før påske er i gang i Notre-Dame de Paris.

15. april 2019. The world watched in horror as Notre Dame burned for several hours on April 15th, 2019.

In this video, bystanders reflect on the fire's impact and firefighters explain their strategy to save the iconic building. Explore National Geographic.

Dette er startskudd National Geographic hjemmeside er for alle og kan ses på både computer, tablet og mobil Detailed 3D laser scans of Notre Dame Cathedral captured by late historian could be used to save the building, as officials pledge to restore it in the wake of the fire .

Saving Notre Dame’s sound,” Readability: 10.7, asks students to analyze how scientists plan to resurrect the acoustics of a historic place.

SAVING NOTRE DAME, premiering on Thursday 19 May at 19:00 CAT, recounts the aftermath of the devastating fire and unprecedented one-year rescue mission to prevent the unstable Cathedral from collapsing.

Media caption A look inside fire-ravaged Notre-Dame cathedral. Published April 16, 2019

A world leader in adventure, science, photography, environment, history and space exploration

Go further and read about how many historic icons face the same fate. Notre-Dame, det arkitektoniske, kulturelle og religiøse landemærke, brænder, og ingen ved endnu, hvor meget der kan reddes.