After just a few weeks since its press launch, the opening round of the first ever GiTi Formula V1 Race Challenge went underway. It took place under the scorching heat of the summer sun last May 13, 2018 at the 3.7 km-long Batangas Racing Circuit (BRC) in Rosario, Batangas.
To recap, the GiTi Formula V1 Race Challenge marks the return of single-seat auto racing in the Philippines. Organized by Tuason Racing School, the country’s premier racing school, it stands as the next level in the local motor racing ladder after such grassroots events like the FlatOut Race Series (FORS) and the Toyota Vios Cup.
For its inaugural round, the GiTi Formula V1 Race Challenge was divided into 3 parts; Time Trial, Race 1, and Race 2. On the grid were 12 drivers grouped into 2 classes; Pro Class and Amateur (Am) Class, and all of them were focused on one mission – to gain valuable championship points.