i was running into this same problem. Why does the church teach that marriage is a sacrament? You could get married in a catholic church if that is the religion you are talking about, but your partner would have to apply for an annullment through the church, and cheating is grounds for an annulment. Clergy are much more enthusiastic about investing time and energy making your wedding special if they have a sense that you are not just looking for a picture perfect setting for a wedding.

do your parents belong to a church? They’re all hypocritical. And it is not a merely private act. If you’re a non-EEA national and you don’t want to live in the UK, you can apply for a marriage visitor visa. If you don't have a pastor or a church, don't be concerned. The Catholic Church teaches that marriage between two baptized persons is a sacrament. You would have to go through RCIA, which has just started, if you wanted to join and be married in the church. For such a holy event, the Church, in her wisdom, has a … Thank you, for this message, I love God and love what he does through me, sadly I don’t like church, the U.K. It is not private to the Church. If they have any requisite fees, you will pay them at this point or give a monetary … You've always dreamed of having your wedding in a church, but you don't attend a congregation, and you have no idea how to start looking for the right person to preside over your ceremony. Armed with these definitions, we can see that no matter how long he’s lived in a particular town or what his long-term plans are, a Catholic can always determine the place where he should be getting married. I don’t want to go too deeply because I think a lot of us, as I said before, have fatigue, but you’ll hear this. 07/10/2012 12:59 pm ET Updated Sep 09, 2012 10 Signs You Should Not be Getting Married in … It is not private to the government. Here are eight things you can do to start feeling like you belong: It is public. They say one thing, they do another. For some people, a church simply seems like the proper place to get married. If all the basic legal requirements are met, you can get married in your local church, or one where you have a legally-recognised connection. 10 Signs You Should Not Be Getting Married in a Church. You will meet with the clergy and get to know them and they’ll get to know you and you can discuss any issues you may have with getting married in the Catholic Church. In marriage you take on a whole new legal status. I am truly curious, because that just doesn't make sense to me and I hope you don't want to use a church as a prop for your photos.