Design features the latest women's fashion worth your try. The whole expression "worth ____ing" behaves as an adjective.

That rule is worth remembering.

Information and translations of worth a try in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. This is used either for past actions whose initial aim failed, or for future actions that may not be successful.

E.g. showed in precise micro-plasma jet device.

Let’s imagine two constructions: It is worth trying, and. I'm not sure this will work, but it's worth a try. Something is worth doing, worth seeing, worth remembering, and so on.

Definition of worth a try in the dictionary.
worth a try (not comparable) . deserving of an attempt. Checking on google Ngram Viewer I found out that both are valid English.. W.T.I.

When the inspectors boarded the train and I didn't have a ticket, I thought it was worth a try to pretend I didn't speak English. Therefore, it is worth to try new modality in highly challenging lung cancer therapy, and the nonthermal plasma can be a strong candidate as Kim et al. English [] Adjective []. ; Usage notes []. High quality example sentences with “it was worth the try” in context from reliable sources - Ludwig is the linguistic search engine that helps you to write better in English Meaning of worth a try.

It deserves a try. What does worth a try mean?

That pie was not worth eating.