Each time you shade your eyes with Stylin' Shades, you'll know you've made the world brighter for someone else. Most likely means that of all the possible choices, this one is the most … High quality example sentences with “most likely not” in context from reliable sources - Ludwig is the linguistic search engine that helps you to write better in English Definition of most likely in the Definitions.net dictionary. 1. 0.

You do not add a comma after “most likely” if it is used as an adjective. The more you use a word, the most likely you will remember it 3.

How to use likely in a sentence. Public Intoxication Johnny is convicted of possession of a controlled substance and is sentenced to probation. 3. What does most likely mean? Change your default dictionary to American English. Most, the most, mostly - English Grammar Today - a reference to written and spoken English grammar and usage - Cambridge Dictionary That’s a bit trickier.

"Most likely" and "Mostly likely" mean different things, though "most likely" is far more common. 2.

But one major difference between this and the earlier language modeling problems is rather than wanting to generate a sentence at random, you may want to try to find the most likely English sentence, most likely English translation. Synonyms for most likely include probable, likely, possible, credible, odds-on, presumed, feasible, anticipated, expected and apparent. The author of the passage MOST LIKELY uses the word dismal in the first sentence A) to give the weather report for the day. However, if you use “most likely” as an introductory phrase, then you must add a comma. Your shoppers most than likely have a bank account already, and don't want to give out data again. 1. 90 ... most likely, your scent. Meaning of most likely. The event will most likely occur after school.

For example, the following quote is two sentences, where the second explains the first: “I gave him my number: I wanted to see him again.” They are Modal verbs. most certainly not. Information and translations of most likely in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. much likely not. 60 / 1k. 264.

mostly likely not. C) to create emotions in the reader. The experienced athlete will most likely win the game. most probable not. For the Brown Corpus, you get the following letter order.

What does most likely mean? Emeasoba George: Depression leads to frustration more or less. But you can also use a colon to introduce a quotation or to join a sentence with one that explains it. 0. But the set of all English sentences of a certain length is too large to exhaustively enumerate. Definition and synonyms of likely from the online English dictionary from Macmillan Education. Reread this sentence from paragraph 7. I'll more likely be able to use coins 4. Meaning of most likely.

The most common way to use a colon in a sentence is to introduce a list with it. Most people will tell you anything you want to know. The order of letters from most to least common in the Brown Corpus is: T A O S I W H C B F P M D R E L N G U Y V J K Q Z X. Likely and unlikely - English Grammar Today - a reference to written and spoken English grammar and usage - Cambridge Dictionary most often not.

It will make readers associate Stylin' Shades with being a good person. When you are talking about ability, you should use Can and Could.

It is the most likely answer. It doesn't make any sense to me to add "more" or "most" before likely. D) to describe Julianne's recent doctor visit. These are skills that any individual is more likely to possess. Sentence examples for most likely not from inspiring English sources.