To kick-start a new chapter in your life, here are ten songs about working-- but more importantly, how you plan to quit working, if only temporarily.

In honor of Labor Day, here's 20 of the finest "work" songs. The good news is, because so many people are discontent with their work, there’s some awesome music about hating your job.

5 Songs To Sing As You Consider Leaving Your Job. Next time you know it's time to go but you need a little help, throw on this series of 15 goodbye songs and see if it doesn't help ease the awkwardness of leaving. "Take This Job and Shove It" - … Unless you’re stuck in a cubicle, play ‘em at an unreasonable volume. Until you land your dream job, all you can do is shake it off at the end of a bad day. ... Smart. But that doesn't mean shit when your boss is a dumbass, you work too many hours for too little money, and your job has little to no meaning. 10. If you work for a soul-crushing boss at a dead-end job, you’re not alone.

Tell Off Your Boss: Songs For Quitting Time At a time when jobs are anything but disposable, it's hard to imagine what it would take to drive workers out the door voluntarily.

Take pride in your decision to leave and check out these 16 quit the job you hate songs that will reaffirm you’ve made the right choice. ... 31 Songs To Quit Your Job To.

You may well have a toxic work environment, where teamwork comes last and everyone’s out … RELATED: 21 …