To support its Rolling Stories initiative for 2018, Bridgestone Philippines launches the ‘Share Your World’ Promo. This promo encourages online users to share travel stories through photos or videos to get a chance to win a trip for two to La Union.

To support its Rolling Stories initiative for 2018, Bridgestone Philippines launches the ‘Share Your World’ Promo. This promo encourages online users to share travel stories through photos or videos to get a chance to win a trip for two to La Union.
With local and international travel becoming more accessible and more widely done, it comes as no surprise that it is also one of the most talked about topics on social media. Filipinos are a social folk in nature and love talking about their experiences, whether it be good or bad.
Coming off of the heels of the Rolling Stories web series, where three unique individuals share their Real Adventures stories, Bridgestone Philippines wants to turn the camera to its audience, challenging them to live without limits, and to share their experiences. To join the promo, all Luzon residents, aged 18 years old and above, have to do is post a local travel photo or video online, share their story in the caption, use the hashtags #RealAdventures #ShareYourWorld #BridgestonePH, and tag the appropriate Bridgestone Philippines accounts on Facebook or on Instagram.